Autism Training Webinars
'Universal Design for Learning II'
February - June, 2022
CHIP International, with facilitators from Learning Differently and the Swiss Special Education Network and Inclusion Association, held a comprehensive virtual training workshop on Learning Disabilities covering the following topics:
The basics of dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, attention deficit
Myths /facts about LD
Impact of those disabilities on memory and learning
Goal setting
Positive Strategies for Managing Classroom Behaviour
Teachers- heart set and mindset- the language to use and avoid
Responsive Language- Building positive relationships with kids
Classroom management strategies-
Case studies for discussion/ Q & A
0Universal Design (including differentiation) & Accommodations
Theory- what is UDL?
Observations data and design powerpoint (skills development onwards)
Breakout groups: design upcoming unit with specific kids in mind
3-2-1 bridge about UDL
Q & A padlet about classroom/behavioral management
Click here for more information