"Great programme and well executed planning and organisation with well resourced materials and welcoming persons, demonstrating mastery of content knowledge showing love where hope is lost for the African child with autism. Giving trainers and caregivers assurance of hope for the special needs child".
“The sessions have been very educative. We now know who to contact for help and also what to do as a teacher in the mainstream.”
“I think more of this should be organized often. They should go out there to educate people in remote areas like towns, market and churches…”
Very insightful – There (are) things I need to change about me, too.” Recommendation: My co-workers and I need to form a real team instead of each teacher minding their own business in their class. Also, the focus should shift from giving children more work to do to assisting children to do quality work".

“Insightful, very educative and interactive. Inspiring.”
“I will admit that the workshop has really opened my eyes and given me much information about inclusive education coming from a main stream school where we feel it is impossible but now I know it is possible.” I recommend that since inclusive education is needed in the mainstream education, teachers from mainstream schools should (be) exposed by (an) array of information on inclusion so we can also do our bit to help. Good presentation, educative, well resourced.”
“Very educative, I have really learnt a lot. Impressive.”
Recommendation: Frequent screening should be done in the schools in order to determine children with problems.
“The training is very useful especially to the class teacher.
Recommendation:..now that we are embarking on inclusive education. It will give us a fair idea as to how to handle children with needs at all level(s). I suggest that it should be ongoing not a yearly affair. I recommend that it will be very expedient to always train some teachers for them to educate the rest of the teachers in the school but not changing them yearly, if we really want the programme to be effectively used in the school to help inclusive children".