Autism Awareness Month
April 2017
Autism Awareness 2017 was a collaboration with the University of Cape Coast and featured a week-long public education drive. Blue flags with pertinent, practical information on autism, particularly early detection, and with inspirational quotes decorated the avenue leading up from the University gate into the campus, and were also placed at strategic locations throughout the University. A wide banner proclaiming Global Autism Awareness Month hung at the main gate, and the gate itself was lit up in blue for the whole first week of April!
Local radio and TV stations also got involved, granting various interviews during the week and even afterwards. CHIP-I had our local community public school partner ABOOM Special School as well as a representative from a private local school participate in some of the interviews, providing community-specific guidance and information regarding autism. The regional teaching hospital was not left out, with the head of pediatrics at the hospital Dr. Stephen Laryea granting a wide-ranging interview to one of the foremost radio stations in the region, ATL FM radio. In addition, Dr. Laryea taped the first of CHIP-I's series on autism and other related neuro-disorders, which ran for the whole week on ATL FM's health segment program.